Successfully implement construction projects with Building Information Modelling (BIM) and achieve efficiency gains thanks to model-based collaboration
The successful introduction of Building Information Modelling (BIM) requires structured specifications, requirements and concepts. We support your organisation in the development of BIM ordering competencies and accompany you in the implementation of BIM projects.
Our services
- Development of a BIM roadmap
- Development of a role-based BIM organisation
- Calculation of ROI and efficiency gains across all SIA phases
- Definition of quality assurance requirements for BIM projects
- Definition, documentation and preparation of BIM use cases
- BIM consulting in construction projects
- Support and implementation of CAFM tenders
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is shaping the construction and real estate industry at all levels today. The main drivers of this development are higher quality and innovation standards as well as changed requirements on the part of clients. The support of the management level is an essential prerequisite. A second relevant driver is the people on the user side who are responsible for the technology or the project. They form the link between technology and organisation and are thus a central interface between project and company. We support your organisation on both levels.
We support you in the introduction and application of all instruments that are relevant for model-based collaboration. These include, for example, modelling guidelines, exchange information requirements, BIM project execution plans or data field catalogues, which leads to better visualisation, automatic quality checks and a more efficient transfer of data from planning to building operation, especially in Facility Management.
BIM consulting in construction projects
We also support you in the implementation of your BIM requirements. For example, by specifying the beneficial BIM use cases in early project phases and documenting them in the course of the operational concept. We define the roles, responsibilities, risks and resources within your BIM organisation, with the result that the division of tasks between the building authority, the client, the users and the operators is clearly regulated.
If desired, we can create a concept that shows the beneficial application of the BIM work methodology in the future project phases of a new building and show the return on investment (ROI) of the BIM use cases and processes so that you can document your efficiency gains across all SIA phases. We ensure that the defined BIM use cases and information requirements are implemented in the construction project, review the relevant planner documents and perform quality assurance of the submitted digital building models at phase and project completion.
CAFM tenders
With the machine-readable mapping of operationally relevant data, you save yourself time-consuming, manual processes when transferring the building documentation into the CAFM-Systems. We help you define the relevant data requirements for the CAFM system and outline the technical implementation of the BIM use cases. If required, we take over the tendering of CAFM systems for you, evaluate the functional and performance scope of the respective provider(s), recommend a suitable software and support you in the product introduction.
BIM-to-FM and ordering competences
BIM-to-FM (also BIM2FM) refers to the seamless transfer of BIM data from planning, creation, and commissioning into the operational processes. It enables the efficient management, maintenance, and optimisation of buildings in the use phase. The information from the BIM model is often extensive and complex. We support you in successfully embedding the BIM data into the FM workflows by defining your operational data requirements, determining the necessary data structure, and assisting you with data mapping. In this way, we ensure that the data provided from the construction project is correctly integrated into building operations and creates added value.
For a first insight, we offer a practice-oriented element plan (im German) for free to download together with various partner organisations. Based on this, a simple and targeted provision of BIM data for real estate operations can be ensured.
Do you have any questions? Our experts will be happy to help.