Lean Construction & Agile Design Management

Improving collaboration, efficiency and quality in the construction process with Lean Construction and Agile Design Management

Lean Construction and Agile Design Management are project management methods that aim to improve collaboration and efficiency in construction projects. Although they target different aspects of the construction process, they can be successfully combined to achieve an optimal result.

Our Services

  • Empowerment and training in Lean/Agile thinking and methodology.
  • Implementation and support of the "Last Planner System®" for project management
  • Analysis of construction and planning processes
  • Support and implementation of cycle planning
  • Definition and tracking of KPIs to measure project success

We help you to set up your projects efficiently, develop KPIs to make project success measurable and train your key personnel in these approaches. We support you in setting up and applying all the necessary tools and working techniques so that you can set up and manage your construction projects using agile working methods.

Lean Construction

Lean Construction aims to reduce waste in construction projects by optimising processes and ensuring efficient project execution. This is primarily achieved thanks to comprehensive communication, a common understanding of the project and clear task divisions. The eight types of waste (transport, stocks, movement, waiting time, overproduction, technologies/processes, scrap/rework) are consistently analysed and reduced. In this way, material optimisations can be realised and "just-in-time deliveries" can be aimed for.  In addition, Lean Construction Management ensures a consistent flow of work and materials, making personnel planning and procurement periods more reliable on the one hand, and helping to break down expenditure peaks on the other.

We base this on the "Last Planner System®". This is a working method that ensures the participation of all relevant people and groups and involves them in the success of the project.

Agile Design Management

Agile design management is a project management approach from software development and aims to integrate flexibility and agility into the work process. For this purpose, tasks are divided into short iterations, so-called "sprints". Within a sprint, a certain number of functions or requirements are developed, tested and validated before the process moves on to the next iteration. In this way, for example, mandatory and requirement specifications, but also design concepts can be adapted more quickly to changing needs.

The construction industry can thus react better to changing framework conditions or changing user requirements and integrate them more easily into planning and execution than is the case with classic project phases. Agile planning methods can therefore be used to integrate technological developments or new regulatory requirements into planning without conflict, for example.

Do you have any questions? Our experts will be happy to help.

Get in contact

Michel van Mark

Head of Service Unit


Location Lausanne