Digital Real Estate Index (DRE-i)

Determine the digital maturity level of your organisation in relation to the market

Die digitale Transformation ist in vollem Gang und verändert die Wettbewerbsbedingungen für Unternehmen. Die Berechnung Ihres Digital Real Estate Index (DRE-i) hilft Ihnen, sich mit Ihren Mitbewerbern zu vergleichen und auf spezifische Themenbereiche zu fokussieren. So agieren sie zielgerichtet und können sich kontinuierlich verbessern.

Our solution

  • Survey for management and employees on the current state of digitalisation
  • Calculation of the Digital Real Estate Index (DRE-i) of your company
  • Evaluation of the digital maturity level in relation to the construction and real estate industry

System-supported work and structured, digital processes enable transparent, continuous collaboration, greater flexibility and a better overview of business processes. Therefore, it is important for every company to deal with the digital transformation in depth and permanently. Regardless of the industry, the services or specific fields of activity, digitalisation requires all organisations to adapt to constant change, to adapt existing processes and to adapt to new ones. Business modelsto reconsider, to remain attractive as an employer and to extend the lead on the market or at least not to be left behind.

With so many buzzwords, Technologies and trends it is not easy to have an overview and to keep the relevant topics in focus. That is why we have developed the Digital Real Estate Index (DRE-i) to calculate the level of digital maturity. Since 2016, our research team has been surveying the state of digital transformation in the construction and real estate industry in Switzerland as part of a survey of managers and professionals. In 2019, the study was extended to the German market, and since then the level of digitalisation has been surveyed using the Digital Real Estate Index (DRE-i). It shows where you stand in comparison to the market average and which steps you should focus on next so that you can fully exploit the digital opportunities and position and align yourself for the future. The survey results are summarised in an annual study.

The maturity level of your organisation is compared with the existing data pool and therefore allows us to derive a precise statement for your individual situation. In comparison with the market index published in the study, the digitalisation of your own company can thus be assessed and classified more comprehensively. The survey includes questions on corporate strategy, organisation and processes, innovative working models, customer relationships, products and IT infrastructure as well as the technologies used and planned.

Calculate your organisation's digital maturity level now for free.

Digital Real Estate Index (DRE-i)

Giuseppe Bilotta


Dipl. Ing. ETH


Location Zurich