Sustainability & Performance

FM Monitor: Benchmark and trend analysis

Various clients

The Mission

The FM Monitor answers two questions: How is the Facility Management market in Switzerland developing? How do the area and cost indices on the market change? These answers are targeted at optimizing the service range (trend analysis) and optimizing the management costs (benchmark). Our customers are interested in more efficient management and rendering own services. This is an essential component for optimal control of the portfolio.


pom+ analyses the qualitative assessment of the participants for market development and provides the results online in the scope of trend analysis. pom+ collects, transforms and analyses large data inventories of the customers for publication of the benchmarks. The customers are closely supported in this. The variable data model enables pom+ to provide answers to diverse questions.

Services of pom+Consulting AG

  • Survey compilation, evaluation and interpretation of the results
  • Analysis of the customer raw data
  • Transformation of the raw data into the area and cost model of pom+
  • Statistical evaluation of the benchmark basics and plausibilisation of the results
  • Provision of the results per customer in the web tool or via webservice
  • On request: shared interpretation of the results in a workshop

Other remarks

The variable data model permits further evaluations subsequently, which further specify the levers for optimization. Other products by pom+ may be "connected" very simply – pom+duro, pom+quanto, scalaREIM.

Your contact persons

Dr. Joachim Baldegger

Head of Service Unit Future Lab

Dr. sc. techn., dipl. Ing. ETH

Location Zurich

Fabio Staub

Senior Consultant

M.Sc. CBS in Business Data Science

Location Zurich